Big power amplifier

  • RG4 MK5
  • Mono MK4 (2xRG11)
  • Stereo-, Mono-Endverstärker Kraft 250
  • Stereo-, Mono-Endverstärker Kraft 300
  • Stereo-Mono-Endverstärker High Society

Endverstärker wie RG 11, jedoch Monoblockpaar, Netzteil mit doppelter Stärke. 2 x 130 W Sinus an 8 Ohm.
Durch Brückenschaltung vierfache Stromlieferfähigkeit.
Umbau und Anpassung RG 11 auf Mono bei Nachkauf der zweiten Endstufe:

Upcharge Ausführung Gehäuse Chrom:

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

Power amplifier, same as RG 11, with double the power supply specs. 2 x 130 W sinus at 8 Ohm. ln bridged
operntion mode capability of four tim es output current. lncreased speed. dynomics and overall presence due to
monoaural operation.

Aufpreis Ausführung Gehäuse Chrom:

International gefragter Demo-Verstärker der Traumklasse!

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

Kraft 250 Stereo
2 x 250 W sinus into 8 Ohm. Pure class A Double mono, with two separately shielded power Transformers with a total of 1300 VA 250.000 μF. Aluminium chassis. Front panel: 10 mm. Black finish. New: Front.
top plate and backside silver. Dimensions: 600 x 250 x 315 mm. Weight: ca. 45 kg
Symmetrical input, switchable Elaborate circuit board with its own power supply.
Conversion of Kraft 250 to Kraft 300 on request.

Kraft 250 Monoblocks
2 x 250 W Sinus an 8 Ohm, Rein Class A, Doppel monoaufbau, zwei gekapselte Ringkerntrans-
formatoren, ges. 1400 VA, 300.000 μF, Aluminiumgehäuse schwarz oder mattsilber, Frontplatte 10mm massiv. Stereo Kraft 250.

Symmetrical input, switchable Elaborate circuit board with its own power supply.

Conversion of Kraft 250 to Kraft 300 on request.
* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

USA Absolute Sound - High End 2015:
... was driven by Symphonic Line electronics and sourced by a
wonderful sounding revolution...
( RG 3 MK 4, Turbo Power Supply
and Kraft 300 Class A )

Kraft 300 Stereo
Specifications like as Kraft 250. Kraft 300 internal new designed - high regide construction. New super
electrolyte power capacitors, 300.000 μF. Result: to create organic sound sphere in time and energy
dimensions. Example: you have sound as like the best place in the opera.

Symmetrical input, switchable Elaborate circuit board with its own power supply.

Kraft 300 Monoblocks
NEU: Zwei Mono-Blöcke, à 1.000 VA, Paar 600.000 µF, Abmessungen: 600 mm x 250 mm x 315 mm, Gewicht ca. 50 kg. Stereo und Monoblock: Doppelwellengleichrichtung mit High-Speed-Dioden.
Aufbau zur Ausbildung organischer Klangwelten und neue Superelektrolytkondensatoren.

Symmetrical input, switchable Elaborate circuit board with its own power supply.

Kraft 300 Class A MK 3 Edition
how Anniversary, without Mu-Metall Trafo
inkl. High-End Musik Stromkabel

Kraft 300 Class A Anniversary Edition MK 3, Stereo
pro Channel 1.600 VA Mumetal Transformator, 300.000 μF
inkl. High-End Musik Stromkabel

Kraft 300 Class A Anniversary Edition MK 3, Mono
pro Channel 1.600 VA Mumetal Transformator, 300.000 μF
inkl. High-End Musik Stromkabel

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.

High Society Stereoversion
Stereoendverstärker. Pro Kanal starke 300 Watt Sinus an 8 Ohm. Gehäuse matt silber. Logo beleuchtet.
Umschaltbar auf vollsymmetrische Eingänge. Abmessungen: 400 x 450 x 160 mm.
Innere Werte: pro Kanal 250.000 μF, 800 VA Transformatoren Mumetall.

High Society Monoblockversion
Monoeoendverstärker. Pro Kanal starke 300 Watt Sinus an 8 Ohm. Gehäuse matt silber. Logo beleuchtet.
Umschaltbar auf vollsymmetrische Eingänge. Abmessungen: 400 x 450 x 160 mm.
Innere Werte: pro Kanal 250.000 μF, 800 VA Transformatoren Mumetall.

* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.