- Tonabnehmer RG8 Gold
- RG 8 Gold Reference Holzgehäuse
"The source ". A cartridge of pure superlatives at the Iimit of engineering possibilities. Custom hand made. Weight:
18 grams, stylus redius: 1 mykron, tracking weight: 1,5 g, crosstalk damping: more than 40 dB. Frequency range
extension: more than 60.000 Hz, stylus: boron, diametre: 1 mykron. More than 2600 hours of untroubled listening,
then very inexpensive stylus exchange. New induction reducing winding technique, extremly precise. Delivers a Ievei
of musical experience as had only been dreamed of before!
This is the Iimit: All windings made of pure gold.Output: 0.45 mV or 0.25 mV. You can't buy anything comparable.
The ultimate purchase. STEREO (Germany, 4/95): "The analog revelation."
STEREOPHILE (USA, 2/93): "The best system in this galaxis. " Product of the year 1993!
Einmalige Anschaffung für das ganze Leben, deshalb Nadelaustausch ermäßigt auf:
* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.
RG 8 Gold Reference Holzgehäuse
In wood case, new construction, with a very low scan sound and extremly fine dynamics, a revolution.
Einmalige Anschaffung für das ganze Leben, deshalb Nadelaustausch ermäßigt auf:
* All prices are included sales tax of 19%.
Custom duty are not included.